Yesterday we went to a plant where some conductors melted in the conduit.There was several problems all the circuits were over loaded #12`s 20+ amps about 19 8' floresant on each cir.They have 1 1/4 conduit with 36 # 12 conductors all over loaded and the conduit is very hot.The question I have how best to explain to the electrical poeple How to size the number of circuits in a pipe.The code table c8 says they can have 45 in the pipe but I tried explaining that with the ciruits over loaded and the heat generated the fill and current carrying capasity of the wires would be less.I don`t think I did a good job with them understanding so please help us out with some examples and code articals thanks guys.We ran another 1 1/4 conduit over and that reduced the heat and we split the circuits droping the current to each circuit.
See table 310.15(B)(2)(a) for adjustment factors. 36 conductors require an ampacity adjustment that results in only 40% of the Table 310.16 values. In your case (using the 90c column for derating purposes) .4 x 30 amps = 12 amps for #12 copper.