I am changing the breakers in an old GE residential panel that holds TQL breakers.Currently THQL breakers are used to replace these. They snap in place just fine but the hole in the panel cover do not line up just right. My question is, if I trim the extra quarter inch off of the holes to accommodate the breakers will the panel pass inspection? There will be no gap that would allow anything into the interior of the panel. Thanks for the help Brian
I'd chime in with an old favorite in conjunction with 110.2 & that is 110.3(B).
If THQL breakers don't appear in the listing or, more likely, on one of the labels in the breaker box that states which breakers can be used, then you shouldn't use them, even if they do plug on without any trouble.
Few things are harder to put up with than the annoyance of a good example.