Product Approvals Can Save You Time & Money
Planning ahead saves you money and - more importantly - time. These days time is valuable. A day of production that is lost can mean lost sales, which can be tough to make up. The Electrical Safety Authority can save you and your facility valuable time.
If you are buying new electrical equipment or importing it into Ontario, you must ensure it is approved for use in the province. If it's not, you're violating the law and will not be able to use the new equipment until approval is acquired. Equipment you can't use as soon as it's installed costs you both time and money.
Approval Is Required
By law, no piece of electrical equipment in Ontario may be sold, displayed, or even connected to a source of power unless it is approved (Ontario Electrical Safety Code Rule 2-022).
"Approved" means that the equipment meets the requirements of the Ontario Electrical Safety Code.
Two Ways To Get Approval
There are two ways a piece of equipment (or a product model) may be "approved:"
1. It may be "certified" by a recognized testing authority (such as the Canadian Standards Association); or
2. It may be "field approved" by the Electrical Safety Authority or others.
Product Approvals continues to respond to customers' needs by providing the highest quality, most timely and most cost effective approvals service available.
We will approve your equipment in accordance with CSA SPE-1000 as well as Code requirements and will mark it with the following label:
Approval Identifies Safe Products
Electrical equipment that has not been certified or field approved may be unsafe and can pose serious electrical shock or fire hazards to you, your employees, and visitors to your facility. Every year, the Electrical Safety Authority investigates several injuries and even deaths caused by unapproved equipment. We all need protection from potentially unsafe equipment, protection that can be provided with an Electrical Safety Authority approval label.
Safe Products Are Everyone's Responsibility
While it is the equipment suppliers and installers who are accountable for making sure that their products and installations meet every Code requirement, you should also check that equipment is approved before investing in it.
Our customers have found that before buying electrical equipment or importing it into Ontario, it pays to get the Electrical Safety Authority involved early in the process. Our Inspectors are experts on the Code and will work with you to ensure the quality and safety of equipment you purchase and install.
We can travel to your suppliers' or Original Equipment Manufacturer's (OEM) facilities and "pre-approve" equipment before it is shipped to you so that when it arrives, you know it's up to Code standards and can be used right away.
People have told us that they value the comprehensive package of services Product Approvals offers, services that focus on confirming equipment is in compliance with the Code, is approved, and is connected to properly designed and installed electrical supply wiring. More and more people are now including participation from Product Approvals as a prerequisite in their equipment purchasing agreements.
Meeting Your Electrical Safety Needs
No other approval agency can match the services the Electrical Safety Authority offers to customers. For starters, we can approve all types of electrical equipment, from specialized industrial equipment to everyday commercial and residential products. The Product Approvals Team will visit your site ASAP; service is guaranteed within 48 hours when you call our "one stop shopping" number. In addition, we have a senior research engineer available for consultation as required.
As mentioned earlier, we are able to pre-approve equipment, and are also accessible for pre-specification and pre-manufacturing consultation, evaluation of prototypes, and evaluation of equipment before purchase. Because of our experience in dealing with literally thousands of manufacturers, we can anticipate and identify problems before they occur, which can help you ensure high levels of safety and quality as well as save you time and money
The Electrical Safety Authority offers electrical safety workshops as well that can be customized for your specific needs.
Safety, timely service, competitive rates and a consistent application of the Code is what Product Approvals is all about! Reach us directly by phone or email:
Tony Moscioni
Electrical Inspector
Electrical Safety Authority