Gotta problem with rats chewin' your work? Here's a Product that claims to be the fix.
The Canadian Government conducted field trials on Fresh Cab, it is primarily used in electrical junction boxes and transformers where rodents cause problems with short outs and pose a risk to workers through transmission of disease.
hmm, how many cu in.??
& a cute little logo for the disco....
[This message has been edited by sparky (edited 02-27-2002).]
I used to work in Buildings where they put those contact (glue) pads in the ceilings. We had a few times where someone would open a ceiling tile and the pad would fall on someone and stick to them. It can cause some pretty strange stuff to happen, especially if they were 'used'
Do these things kill the rats or just chase them to another area. When I worked in a Steel Mill that had them as big as small dogs, even the large traps didnt work they walked off with them, I have never seen them that big again. They had to be shot or clubbed, it was terrible. Only one thing I hate worse than rats is cockraoches, those two vermin have got to be the worst.