Apparently the 'Nayional Multihousing council" has appealed proposal 7-137 over the heads of CMP-7 and the Technical Correlating Committee to the NFPA's "Standards Council" to allow NM-B per art 336 in over 3 stories;
hmmm, well...i DO get the impression that there is way more of a $$$ influence invovled than anything else.
I've also been informed that the NM rule was not always around....and that the 'substaintiation' for the change was apparently more $$$$ based than one centering on saftey...
Any older 'precode'* electricians care to comment???
* well maybe that's not the correct word, but U get the idea...
For what it's worth ... in one of our local counties (Montgomery Cty MD) they have modified the rule to read no RX in any structure over 3 floors. Don't matter if it's a 4 floor, underground pkg garage. 3 is the limit; they count unfinished basements, parking levels, finished attics and everything in between. The GC's are having a fit over the cost of the electrical part on some of these taller houses.