Ya, saw many "Field-Filtered" and pre-made cords for IBM Equipment, which attest to that claim.
On the subject of "Ferrites", what is the proper pronunciation of that dang word???!!!
I pronounce it in this Phonetic fashion:
Fair-RightsWhereas some pronounce it in this Phonetic fashion:
Ferr-Itts (sounds like little Animals, which are in the Rodent Family - a Domestic Polecat)
And others pronounce it as:
Furr-Rhetts (sounds like Fur + "Wet", replace the "W" of "Wet" with an "R")
As this issue is one of major importance + jeopardizes the well-being of many people, it must be debunked ASAP!
My thinking towards the pronunciation as
Fair-Rights, comes from a contraction of:
Like Ferrous metals: i.e. Iron, Nickel and Cobalt,
Describing something as a smaller fraction, or stand-alone part of an item or device - such as "Meteorite" from "Meteoroid";
And/or some Elements in their Oxidized, Non-Reduced state - such as "Bauxite", "Pyrite", "Limonite", and "Hematite".
So, anyone know what's the correct way to say it?