Mr. Eagle, Thank you for the basis. That is the problem. All I have is a set of plans and they just say "Insta Hot". I am running 12-2 MC cable. There will be three of these on one circuit but I doubt if they would all be on at once. Or would they? This is for classrooms for a Sunday school. I don't know the manufacturer and Google didn't help although it works good for crossword puzzles and Acrostics. ~Peter
You really need to get the specs on these units. I think most of the replies here are referring to the insta hot units that get installed at the kitchen sink to provide hot water for tea, etc. These units have a small tank that holds the very hot water they don’t actually heat the water instantly. If you use more than a half gallon or so of water then you will be out of hot water until the water in the tank has time to reheat. I think the units you working with are designed to instantly heat water for the faucet. They typically are 2.4 – 5.5 KW for a single sink.
What this sounds like is an Electrode Boiler system. Not unlike our "Push-through" systems here. I'd go along with caselec with regard to the power rating, they aren't small by any means.
[This message has been edited by Trumpy (edited 08-24-2005).]