I'd be interested in info regarding outdoor lights being installed in a wall, too. We're about to break ground in our front yard to build a patio entry with a retaining wall and we want to have downlighting on the driveway side as well as inside under the benches which will be wood built into or onto the retaining wall. The idea is to sort of have the similar feel as you might have in a theater or in the aisle of an airplane (though not the runway type lights, just the 'down lights').
We were in the big blue box store today for caulk & edging pavers (for yet another project) and walked through the lighting dept and even asked for their help in determining what might be available for exterior lighting. Pathetic.
We have a professional electrician (smart, aren't we?
![[Linked Image]](https://www.electrical-contractor.net/ubb/biggrin.gif)
) and we want to give him the reins to get the right equipment and supplies but we wondered what was available in terms of the aesthetically-pleasing fixture side - - came up with a big 'zero'. And to show that I am trainable, I wouldn't have bought anything anyway because I don't want to tick off the pro based on the wealth of info I've learned here.
So, any discussion or suggestions would be appreciated and we'll be happy to share ours (and hopefully pics of the job & finished project).
[This message has been edited by BuggabooBren (edited 07-24-2005).]