I want to know your opinions on people using solar/wind power in their homes. One specific site is
www.otherpower.com . Personally, I think it's a good idea as long as it's installed by a professional. If it's installed by the homeowner, he/she has to be an engineer to get it right and keep it maintained. (I'm an EE student and I still have trouble in the design phase.) Some electricians I talk to say it's not worth it or they hate going to someone's home to find a solar panel or windmill. I guess I can see their point - no real savings and people using receptaces and such things not listed for DC Use, batteries not maintained, etc. I'm building a solar/wind system ust becayse I'm all for a clean energy source, and I think it would be a great learning experience for me. I'd like to hear anyone's opinion, thoughts, experiences, or ideas. One day, I'd like to see the world using at least 25% clean power. It;s available, but very expensive compared to power from the grid.