I have a two part question regarding upgrading the existing 60 amp electrical service in my home. First, some background.
1. It is a 2 family home in Connecticut
2. Heat, hot water and ranges are all gas
3. it is being sold as a condition of the sale is upgrading the services to seperate 200 amp services.
First question is, considering that heat, hot water and ranges are all gas, would 100 amp services be sufficient for roughly 860 sq. ft apartments, considering that the new owner may install central air and an air compressor in the garage to do remodelling work?
Second, Is there a way to have a 200 amp service brought in and split at the meter can to provide seperate 200 amp services to each apartment or do I have to bring in a 400 amp service from the street and split it at the meters to provide the 200 amp services to each apartment?
Any help would be GREATLY appreciated since I need to get this done ASAP!!!!!