Besides coverage for security (burglar/entry alarms), also check Fire Alarm coverage with your insurance. I know my agent specifically told me anything other than "standard smoke detectors" wasn't covered under my electrical contractor policy.
You might also want to check the Illinois Complied Statutes under Section 225, Article 447 - the "Private Detective, Private Alarm, Private Security, and Locksmith Act of 2004". While there is an exception for: " A licensed electrical contractor who repairs or services fire alarm systems on an emergency call‑in basis or who sells, installs, maintains, alters, repairs, or services only fire alarm systems and not alarm or other security related electronic systems", I have heard of local AHJ's requiring licensure for fire and security alarm installs and service separate from EC. ND+OCCUPATIONS&SectionID=23689&SeqStart=5500&SeqEnd=6900&ActName=Private+Detective%2C+Private+Alarm%2C+Private+Security%2C+and+Locksmith+Act+of+2004%2E