Edward: I got a 'sample' book from Mike to consider using in the class I teach (PT). I submitted info to the school office to consider the book, and have not received a answer as of yet.
Considering that '05 is almost upon us, is there any update in the package??
The info that I have seen & received looks very thoruogh and up to date, and depending on the school's answer I may go that route.
My correspondence school (educationdirect.com) used the Mike Holt book on estimation.
It seemed complete (as complete as any book on estimating can be! ) and his site seems pretty thorough.
My only concern would be accreditation - some AHJ's only accept accredited schhols for distance learning - and I'm not sure if his stuff is. Look for the approval of the US armed forces - it's usually a good "no BS" indicator.