... The ultimate dopey question here, but I read the "UBB Codes" and I can't find out how to do it... How do you post a link,without actually typing the link..?? In other words, Iwire wrote of a link to the "telephone in the bathtub story",and used.."this"...as the word to be clicked on, therefore magically transporting you to that site..I'm still rather new at this sorcery,so please, after all the laughs,and snickering have ended....HELP ME!!!! Russ
[This message has been edited by Attic Rat (edited 05-31-2004).]
.."if it ain't fixed,don't break it...call a Licensed Electrician"
Put in your hyperlink like this.{without spaces or the areas in parentheses) [url (followed by) =http: (followed by) //(then your website's address), and a ] (Next, the word you want to appear, for instance) THIS (Finish it up with) [/url]
[This message has been edited by electure (edited 06-01-2004).]
Scott explained it but if you want to see how it was done go to one of those posts and the click on the edit button (pencil and paper) at the top of the post. You can not edit someone else’s but you can see what they did.