Sorry for the delay; I got so far behind on the posts I forgot where I left off. Mostly what they found around here was branch circuits that had been added on to so many times over the years (the bldg is 70 yrs old) that they were severely overloaded. Most of these circuits were older ones that were still protected by fuses, and sad enough to say had been over fused.
There were also over stuffed 1900 boxes up in the exposed ceilings, some with covers and some without, that were showing warm.
The rewire job was rather extensive. I might have been low on that $25k price; it was a few years ago now.
The EC had 6 guys pulling new home runs for a week. They came back on the weekend when we were closed to cut over the system and change out the panels (fuse for breaker). New aerial service drop, 400A main panel (GE).
Mike (Trumpy),
I assumed that Drillman was talking about the IR heat sensing gear. I didn't catch the brand name on the machine our EC had in here. It was on a two wheeled cart, almost like a dolly. It had a moveable (pointable) camera lens on the top near the front and a small color (of course) screen (4-5 inch) toward the rear facing upwards. It definitely caught my eye. I followed that guy around like a puppy dog.
[This message has been edited by Mean Gene (edited 05-26-2004).]