Glad to hear of your alleviation! One of the guys in our company got kinda tangled up in a fire investigation... a wall caught on fire on the exterior of a million dollar home in one of the ritzy areas near LA... a hot wire in an outdoor receptacle melted & made contact with the metal yoke strap of the receptacle with was grounded, but only by a #16 piece of copper, stove-bolted to the metal box... This all occured on a rainy day & water was pooled against the wall about 1-2inches... The now "live" ground wire was in contact with the stucco mesh which, now was connecting to ground via the pooled water. The stucco wire became a huge heating element!
As further investigation revealed, a previous "electrician" had wired this circuit into a 50A 240V range circuit via a j box in the attic...
Our guy only changed the interior recepts of the room, (to decora)... The outdoor receptacle was just a straight shot into the attic & the forementioned J-box..
Getting a call from our boss that his previous job caught fire left him on edge for quite some time! The company gave him a week off after being exhonerated!