I would like to meet these pieces of @#*% in person that create these programs, I am sure I could make them feel less 'cool'.
I got nailed with one of these, most times I have my untrusting eye open, but I saw refereces to this site along with a trusted member.
So stupidly I opened the attachment.
![[Linked Image]](https://www.electrical-contractor.net/ubb/frown.gif)
That PC is very sick now, I hope I will recover my photos from it.
On the good side it was a good excuse to upgrade to a newer PC.
![[Linked Image]](https://www.electrical-contractor.net/ubb/smile.gif)
I got a great deal on 'last weeks' model.
PC, Monitor & Printer $550.00, of course I have to wait for $300 of that to come back to me in rebates.