Hal is right about getting 90 degree sweeps, or manufactured 90's as some call them, from your supplier. If you want to save some money, down the road that is, next time you come across another EC with a hydraulic pipe bender make some sort of a deal with him. I'm sure he'll be happy to make a few extra bucks to cover the cost of his bender. At the very least, it'll be one less big coupling you have to buy.
thanks i got it we have some big benders that i use but thay are not on my job.I have to put in pipes from one room to another.(under the slab) One room is 18" higher i can't have the bend of the pipes stick out of the slab per spec.
I assume the pour is not on grade where you could just trench deep enough so the bend will be below the finished floor. The way around this is to use two 45 deg bends, one horizontal and the other vertical. Align both so the stub up is plumb. Hopefully this will keep everything below.