I am the owner and operator of my company. So far i have been doing everything alone (one helper sometimes)and have been successful. I think returning phone calls, true honesty and being on time has contributed to my success.
How about you? If you are the owner what is your secret to success?
Screw them before they screw you! Seriously I am pretty much in the same boat as you Ed and practice what you mention. It goes a long way in securing a good reputaion which I think is critical to long term success. Also being neat and clean and projecting a good appearance are important as well. Treat the customers as you would like to be treated.
I like to educate my customers. Give them a wide variety of options. While at time it is a bother to have them looking over your shoulder. I just think back to when I did not know anything about electricity. But eh, if they get to bothersom I just send them out to the van to get me the wire stretcher..