A few other Members here at ECN have used applications such as Autosketch, TurboCAD, and even Visio for Electrical Plans, and the results were very nice!
One of those apps would be just fine for 1 Line Schematics and Risers + the text for calcs.
One problem would be if you need to Import the Panel Schedules.
Another problem would be if you need to submit the drawings to an Architect or EE, to be included in the complete Plan Set.
The first problem scenario would arrise if your Schedules are made up in an external application - such as Excel.
OLE techniques would be available with most newer versions of Visio, and possibly with Autosketch, but not sure with the others.
If you create schedules within the same application, then there is no import problem!
The second problem scenario would be file compatability. Autosketch is made by Autodesk - the same company that makes AutoCAD; a very well known and commonly used CAD application in the Design / Engineering realm.
The T.L.E. (Three Letter Extension) for AutoCAD compatable files is ".DWG"
If your application can save files as this type, then "Sharing" is easilly accomplished... "Sort-Of"
("Sort-Of" is because the AutoCAD version needs to be known, and if the receiver is capable to read .DWG files).
There's also ".DXF", which is AutoCAD's "Native" format, but very seldom are files of this nature bounced back and forth!
I personally use AutoCAD (Full version instead of the "LT" ones, and I use a semi antiquated release 14, because I don't have >$1,000.00 for a new version!...also R14 works great for me!).
You can get the "LT" versions of AutoCAD for around $350.00 - $500.00 depending on the retailer. Full versions are from AutoCAD reps.
I have used AutoCAD 2002 LT, and it works fine for most EE Plan Sets. It does lack many of the frills I am used to having in the full versions, plus doesn't handle OLE stuff as well as full versions do (mostly upon plotting).
Did like the Plot Manager thingee though!
Good luck.