Since the intent of 551.71(F) in not requiring GFCI protection for RV 30 & 50 amp hookups is based the fact that the RV cord a feeder, and the RV provides it's own GFCI protection, would this apply to an RV hookup at a dwelling? The circumstances of the RV don't change, only the location, however the exception is only mentioned in 551 which deals with RVs and RV parks, it is not mentioned in 210 which deals with dwelling units. Do you believe this was an oversight and as an inspector what would be your call?
I think it is intentional. NFPA is moving toward universal gfci protection in a dwelling and the 23 changes are more inclusive. I suppose the thought is that the installer doesn't have a clue what the end user will plug into a receptacle. I also doubt all RVs have GFCIs I know the travel trailer next to my house doesn't (1997 model).