Hi all,
I need some career advice and guidance.
Well, basically, I tend to focus more on options then I do on direction.
I'm a career marine engineer, 10+ years as Chief.
Moved to Minnesota due to Wife's home and new daughter.
So I talk to MN Dep't of Labor, give them my docs & experience, and they let me test for 1st Class A Engineer (2nd highest boiler) and Master Class A Electrician (highest license for state).
I've passed both tests and now hold both licenses.
Now what do I do?
My electrical experience is running ships, generators, basically industrial control systems.
No residential, commercial I see as closely synonymous to industrial, but probably simpler.
I'm currently working as an overpaid watch-standing monkey for UHG-Optum's data centers. Equals no challenge & no interest. So I want a change and get into something I can sink my teeth into.
I'm 50, have a 3 year old daughter & my wife wants another. I'm making 1/3 what I used to make at sea with twice the expenses. So I want to increase my income drastically while working at something that is challenging and interests me.
Any ideas? What should I do with these two licenses?
Could use some direction.