Company: GLE Inc, Stromberg Model: NF200, non-fusible disconnect, 30-1200A, 600VAC or less
I need a replacement handle identical to the one seen above. It was being used in a Telemechanique MCC. Any leads to a company that "handles" used replacement parts that might have this item would be greatly appreciated.
A malfunction at the junction -------------------------------------- Dwayne
Appreciate the suggestion twh. Contacted Recon today and they did not have any such item.
I found out Stromberg is associated with ABB. There is a company in Edmonton that deals in ABB but I understand that avenue has already been taken to no avail. This appears to be a hard item to replace but I really do not wish to continue using a crescent wrench to operate this disconnect. The search continues.
A malfunction at the junction -------------------------------------- Dwayne
This might be a long shot...but did you look on eBay? They always surprise me with what they have. You might find a busted switch that still has a good handle you could cannibalize.
Well, well, well .... looks like my time in Azkaban wasn't completely wasted ...
What you have isn't Telemechanique, it's ABB. Try searching ABB OETL NF200A .
The bad news is that you'll likely have to buy the complete assembly, and not the handle alone. This can get expensive.
I'll wager that the handle is from the control cabinet for some machine, and was assembled by the machine makers' panel shop .... you'll probably find all manner of components inside!
Galco shows 391 hits for ABB Handles. We ordered a couple ABB contactors from them a few months ago. The gentleman I talked to was very helpful and I think they're one of ABB's bigger distributors. Joe
I took Ghost307's suggestion and looked on eBay? Found a perfect match at a great price but the seller does not ship to Canada. I contacted the seller and offered to pay full price but I only want the handle. Under those circumstances maybe the seller will ship North...I hope.
BTW, I looked on Galco's site but never found an exact match.
A malfunction at the junction -------------------------------------- Dwayne
If its like here in Manitoba there are places on the US border that will accept prepaid deliveries for people that can't get shippers to send to Canada. they usually charge around $5-10 handling fee.
My former supervisor @ work use to get all his restoration car parts shipped that way and take a Saturday morning drive from Winnipeg to cross the border and pick them up.