Gotta love my new "toy," the UEI Cable length Meter, CLM 100:;utm_campaign=UEi&utm_term=clm%20100Recently I mentioned some difficult wire pulls in the 200-ft. + length. Not mentioned in that thread was that several times a pull had to be repeated because there wasn't enough wire on some (or even one) of the spools. When you're pulling 16 wires at once, this is all too easy to have happen.
Now, maybe YOU can tell the difference between a spool with 230-ft. of #12 on it from one with 'only' 200-ft. I sure can't. I have the horror stories to prove it!
This meter made it a snap today, to mark the available wire on dozens of spools. Checking it against several new spools, measures came back within five feet of the 500-ft. promised.
At about $300, it's worth having ready access to one. That's quite a bit less than the TDR meters I've looked at in the past .... and a lot easier to use!