When I saw the ads in the trade press, my first thought was: "Just what we need- another clone of existing tools

Well, I saw the tools at Lowes last night. I did not look over the display very much, but I saw enough to give me pause. In many ways, Southwire's offerings are not simply 'another Klein" or "another Greenlee."
The first thing I noticed was a very few sizes of very substantial T-handle hex keys. They looked ideal for panel lugs, and you had working tips on one of the short legs, as well as the long leg.
A glance at the screwdrivers showed the usual "9 in 1," as well as versions with a built-in light and a wire stripper.
I've used illuminated screwdrivers before, and loved them - for the short time before the light stopped working. Let's hope Southwire has a better light.
The wire stripper is sized for #12 and #10. I'm not quite sure how it works.
Next visit I'll be sure to look more closely at the display.
My only grumble is the brown color; what I don't need are dark tools hiding in a dark tool bag. I have the Greenlee set, and it's nearly impossible to find the black tools in their black bag. (Yes, Greenlee tools are far more 'black' than 'green').