We have a crisis here in Arizona. There are presently $3.9 million in claims yet only $220K in the recovery fund. What happened to the recovery fund? Our legislature robbed it of 8.5 million and used it elsewhere. Now they are talking about raising licence rates and creating a surcharge to get the money from us contractors, after we already paid it once.
Additionally, if we have 3.9 million in claims, it seems maybe some of those licenses should have never been granted in the first place. What makes it worse, now they will give a license to just about anyone just to raise more money. We are losing everything that a license used to mean.
Anyone in Arizona should be outraged, and us contractors need to get together on this and refuse to replace money that was robbed from us by our legislature.
rant over
Last edited by BigB; 08/11/13 11:34 PM.