Yes, I understand the alarm configuration. But the network hub with the RJ-31X port is the problem area. It is my understanding that when I unplug the RJ-45 connector that goes to alarm panel, from that port, that the hub should return to normal state. That is not the case. Am I doing something wrong or do I have a bad master hub?
Also, what is the proper configuration of the RJ-45 that plugs into the RJ-31X port? 568A?? And, which pair would then land on T1 - R1?
A couple of things.
It's not a "RJ-45" plug. It's a 8 position modular plug, wired to a specific standard, which may be RJ-45 (which actually calls for a keyed plug), RJ-48, RJ-61, RJ-31, TIA/EIA-568A or B, etc..
The jack/plug only gains an RJ designation when wired in a specific manner, for a specific telephone application.
Non-telephone applications such as ethernet have never had a RJ designation.
If you actually wire a cable to the RJ-45 spec, it will be neither physically, nor electrically compatible with ethernet.
In this case you are wiring the plug to the RJ-31 standard.
T/R is the incoming line from telco to the alarm panel. T1/R1 is the loop out of the alarm panel to the rest of the phone equipment, which is live until the line is seized by relay in the alarm panel.