Easy Boys...
It was stated that it was an old home, so I will assume that no one has tinkered recently with the wires in the house before the bulbs started blowing. And being an old home, I'll bet that there's several devices drawing on that circuit that would be obviously destroyed in a lost neutral situation.
I suppose best would be to call your local electrician to meter the circuit to see if the voltage is not excessively high (130V or less to ground) and is approximately half of the line to line voltage. Then I'd just buy some 130V bulbs.
However, corroded or loose neutrals on a multiwire circuit can cause resistance that will unbalance the voltage and cause an overvoltage on one leg while causing a deficiency on the other. I've seen this with my own eyes. In this situation, the multiwire doesn't completely become a series 240V circuit, but rather a series/parallel circuit with a fluctuating voltage dependant upon the load(s). In the situation I witnessed, 205V were read with 35V on the opposite leg when the furnace motor kicked on and brought the load (amperes) past the ampacity of the corroded connection. With the thermostat off, the voltages read normally.
As I stated in another post, a little sandpaper and some penetrox and I was a hero...