Subpanel ??? This is always a problem in older houses with a kitchen reno. things like mircrowave hood combos dish washers that were hacked into the laundry plug in the basement, fridge relocate new counters that need more counter plugs now etc.
Oh, its a hypothetical question. Run an extension cord to the neighbor's separate circuit outside plug. No one ever tripped over a hypothetical extension cord.
Actually, this problem comes up a lot. It's the reason the DIY stores sell SJ cord by the foot.
Can't really win either way... I mean it can be safe, especially if you fed the 2 circuits with a #12 (or #10 if it's an FP panel) But running away is a little nicer for the pains.
Though I still raise an eyebrow when I dedicate a dining room plug. I can't remember anyone using it for something other than a lamp or phone, if anything.
Greg, in Canada we can put 12 outlets on a 15 amp circuit. When a panel is full, sometimes it's because every electrician ran a new feed for every new outlet. Then, we can pull two circuits out and combine them on one 15 amp breaker.
The dining room plug is outdated. I haven't seen a toaster on a dining room table for 30 years.