what's with the sticker in pull sections and gutters that require you to lash the jumpers together with nylon rope? Isn't that considered a fire hazard? I would post a photo of the sticker but I'm not sure about copyright infringement.
I think Hotline has it. the higher the fault current the higher the electro - motive forces involved. It is important to brace conductors inside splitters and gutters against the mechanical damage and potential electrical damage in high current faults. Small wires are often self limiting in the fault current they can conduct but as the wire size increases so does the current and associated mechanical forces. I have never seen these labels.
I have a video from Bussmann (Safety Basics) and there are a few 'demo' faults with conductors whipping. And, I seem to remember a few of the 'old timers' would lash conductors, either out of habit, or perhaps pride. Dome was really works of art!
You guys are using nylon rope to try and negate the electro-motive forces under fault conditions? Over here you are required to clamp wires and cables with saddles (over a certain size, of course). Pretty much you are wasting your time with either rope or saddles. Fault currents and their effects are something that is little understood by both designers and electricians. If you've ever seen a HV cable snake around after a fault down-stream, you'll know what I'm on about.
Regarding Copyright issues: I'm not a lawyer, but from what I've read from both US and European sources, if you take a picture of something, you hold the copyright to the picture, and no one else. There are only two limitations: a) the owner of the premises where you stand while taking the picture can tell you not to take any pictures and b) if you take pictures of any people they have to consent before you publish the picture. In some countries there are particular laws concerning publically displayed works of art (e.g. statues in the street) but I haven't heard of something like that in the US, and a sticker in a piece of electric equipment can hardly be considered artwork.