spam mail came today informing me that my biz just can't s*ck enough, i'm being held hostage to it, and need to break free via their extra special course tailored to creating a silk purse turn about of my sow's ear biz skills
of course, these folks who obviously
can't do/teach are 110% right
i'm an ugly old crumendgon with a pretzel for a back, meathooks for hands, spent so much time standing on my head in crawlspaces that my feet smell, and my nose runs
i believe in a day's work, for a day's dollar, early to bed/rise , healthy wealthy wise
my contractual skills amount to no more than a handshake & good eye contact many days
i like to get dirty, and i play rough too
obviously , after 1/4 century in this trade , i'm in need of this electrical charm school they're peddaling eh?