So, now that we are almost three months in to it, has 2010 been better or worse than you had hoped it would be so far?
Personally, I think it smells like the same dung... just a whole new pile.
On the plus side though, I believe I have found a guaranteed way to loose any small resi bid that comes around these days.
It's the last line on my estimates, which reads, Electrical Permit/Inspection Fee: City or Town of...
Almost every one of the potential resi service customers that I meet with lately to give that "free" estimate to has the same reply when I bring the subject up... You mean you need to pull a permit for this... really...? Oh, I didn't know that. That statement alone is a sure sign that they won't be calling me back for that work.
I don't mean to sound bitter, but unfortunately it seems like the '08 NEC is more of a hindrance than an ally to legitimate EC's in this economy, at least here in my area. Even if the job only involved adding a few circuits, some additional lighting or simply extending a couple of existing circuits, that represents an additional $150.00 just for the AFCI cb's and TR or even WR/TR receptacles that the lowballer who got the job is not going to use or even concern himself with.
That's a pricing advantage I would like to have in this tight economy.