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The first violation that comes to mind is "workman like manner". I would be flat embarrased of that if it were mine. It looks like a weekend hack job. I guess at least they used firestop on the penetrations.
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I am looking for opinions on the electrical work that was installed on a project that I am reviewing for code issues.
Bill A. ![[Linked Image from electrical-photos.com]](https://www.electrical-photos.com/data/506/medium/Electrical_Room_Picture_3_Ceiling_Area.jpg) for the first photo there is lack of support of the MC's and I don't think it will fly very well in some area. Then again in second photo the same issue not engouh support there and also with looks like 10X10X6 3R box there did someone screw up with MC mesurement ? on Third photo either I am missing something but is that black wrap is legit type of materal to use to hold the MC's and also the distance from upper support to lower support or breaker box is a mite too far apart?  What up with that?? few tight bends with MC cables and where is support from the floor to breaker box to the left ?  It will be alot neater and quicker if ran few 1 or 1.5 inch conduits between breaker box and " splice box " Now for last photo I don't what to say here if this is a real EGC it should be irrevsbale compression fitting or cadweld it. useing the water pipe bonding clamp do not fly either side of pond anyway. Merci,Marc
Pas de problme,il marche n'est-ce pas?"(No problem, it works doesn't it?)
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Caddy 'CJ's' for bundling MC?? What's with the blue connectors? A few of the connectors don't appear to be MC?
Pipe clamp on GEC/EGC? Support, cable bend radius; open KO,tape, can't really tell if the foreign piping is in electrical space.
I don't have a big enough red sticker
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What's with the blue connectors? John, That seems to be Paint. Tip 1: If you click on the picture above it will take you to the E-P page where you can see a larger image - if you click on that one. ( Tip 2: a second click will sometimes close down the larger image on that site) Bill 
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I don't have a big enough red sticker
Then supersized it that will keep them busy for while to read all the art's numbers. Merci,Marc
Pas de problme,il marche n'est-ce pas?"(No problem, it works doesn't it?)
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For all the "ugly," there's really not that much that's really 'violation,' and the only violation I see that really worries me is the 'spliced' ground wire.
Other than that, I see an open KO on one panel, and that flex curving under another panel would be a working space issue.
Code doesn't really spell out how MC has to be supported; I suppose even zip-ties to the strut would have sufficed.
Being an electrical room, one is tempted to assume that an electrician did this - if so, the job screams 'cheap,' and the workmanship is a disgrace. It's almost as if they took a life-long 'rope monkey' and let him have his first crack at a commercial job.
Snakeing the flex amongst the plumbing (for support?) is setting the stage for a noce leak. I don't have a lot of faith in the pipe-wrap tape I see used.
I see a sprinkler pipe, but no sprinkler. That's another type of violation.
Heaven help the next guy, who has to add another circuit to this mess!
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Are the double flex connectors being used because the runs are parallelled for increased ampacity? That flex doesn't look big enough to have wires that are eligible to be run in parallel.
Also, that sprinkler pipe travelling through the room is a no-no; not to mention that it's directly above the electrical equipment.
This install is so terrible that I'm getting nauseous just looking at it.
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I see a sprinkler pipe, but no sprinkler. That's another type of violation.
John., Ya there is spinker head in there you look at the first photo it toward to left centre you can see the shadow that is the spinker head. ( it is about 18 inches from the lightbulb just wait until someone jammed in 200 or 300 watts I am sure it will kick it off ) Merci,Marc
Last edited by frenchelectrican; 02/11/09 09:16 PM.
Pas de problme,il marche n'est-ce pas?"(No problem, it works doesn't it?)
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I don't have a big enough red sticker
That EGC just looks rediculous, all that copper and a little clamp on the thing. I agree with Marc here, it should be cad-welded. I see they at least did use flame retardant duct tape in the first three pics though.
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