August 11, 2007 08:43pm
Article from: AAP
A NINE-year-old boy has suffered an electric shock trying to rescue an unconscious playmate from a church roof in Melbourne's south-east.
The boys were reported to have been kicking a ball around when it landed on the roof of a Presbyterian church in Dandenong about 5.30pm today.
Police said the older boy, aged 15, climbed up to retrieve the ball but was knocked unconscious by an electric shock.
The nine-year-old attempted to help his mate, but he also received a shock, possibly from the other boy's body, said Victoria Police spokesman Constable Wayne Wilson.
A Country Fire Authority (CFA) unit raced to the scene and lifted the pair to safety.
Ambulance officers stabilised the unconscious boy at the scene, on the corner of Potter Street and Birdwood Avenue.
He was admitted to the Monash Medical Centre in a serious but stable condition.
His young friend was also taken to Monash in a stable condition.
"The 15-year-old boy was one of four playing football when it went onto the roof,'' Sen-Constable Wilson said.
"The boy took off his shoes and climbed up about three metres to a section of a metal roof. When he touched a second section of roof he suffered an electric shock.''
The nine-year-old suffered a shocked when he grabbed the injured boy's leg.
CFA crews used a travel tower "cherry picker'' to rescue the boys, who were transferred on stretchers.,23599,22229067-1243,00.html