...done some wiring where after it was completed you've second-guessed yourself....even years later?
I confess that about 10 years ago I did a panel change where the old panel didn't have a main breaker (it was a 100 amp panel). The new panel had a 100 amp main, and a long time after it was installed I started thinking that possibly the feeders were #4 (good for 85 amps) and not the #3 that I thought they were. The era of this home is making me think that it was a 70 amp service as I've since discovered that size of service was very common in that time. Now I always use my wire mike to verify the size if I'm unsure.
To this day I've sometimes wondered if I did that job correct. At least now the panel does have a main breaker although it
may be oversized by 15 amps. With the size of the home and the loads connected, I'm confident that it won't exceed the rating of the main feeders. BTW, the house is still standing

Just wondering if any of you have ever done some wiring and second-guessed yourselves after the fact? Would be interested in your responses.