We do commercial/industrial service calls and charge for the truck separate from labor. If anyone else does this (or not) can you tell me if you've given any thought to raising your hourly rates for the truck or charging a "fuel surcharge" because of rising fuel prices?
I would just increase your rate hourly or flat, what ever your doing. I don't like to bill customers with little items like that as most will think your nickle and diming them. While gas has gone up, it's not like I am losing 1/4 of my profits now. Everything has gone up including my hourly rate from a year ago. I don't think gas will ever go down it's up from here on in.
In 1966 a new Mustang cost 2,300. it now cost 10 times as much. Gas cost 25 cents per gallon. It now costs 2.50 The same relative price. The house I lived in in 1966 was worth 40k-- that same house today is worth 1.2 million. Using that inflation rate--- gas should cost 7.50 per gallon!!!!