Just wanna check my prices. I got a call to install a bathroom vanity light. $39.95 trip charge and $125 install. How does that sound? I'm trying to figure out this flat rate stuff.
I think offering prices over the phone is birlliant.
1) Home owners are afraid because they don't know what the final bill will be. They call 3 contractors and two (who may be less expensive) say I don't give prices over the phone; and one gives a price they don't have to worry about (even if it's high). The guy who gave the price gets the job.
2) You don't have to go out and write up a proposal for 3 people who won't buy for every one that will.
3) The price shoppers and tire kickers who were just curious what it will cost and were planning on doing it themselves anyway didn't take up half your afternoon for free.
Agree with mainteneceguy in this situation. I wouldn't go out to look at giving a price on iinstalling a vanity light. If it is pulling down the old and replacing the new, not moving the box becasue the old one is a bar light and the new one has a small canoy with arms coming off it. Sounds good to me as long as you don't have an hour drive to do it.
Is this just to replace an existing fixture or instslling new box/wiring/switch? Sounds a bit steep for replacing fixture. My minimum is $112 for 1st hr. But if HO insists on a hard price over the phone why not. I usually give a range when an HO asks for a price and explain that is not a guarentee if there are unseen problems.
I'd find out if this was a simple replace job over the phone, and if it was:
I'd tell him most guys will charge at least $40 for a trip charge, and at least $125 to install the light. Then I would tell him I would do it for $100 cash. If he is close, less than 20 minutes away.