Since these products were originally intended for installation by an electrician, field cutting and termination was allowed with the understanding that they would be installed in accordance with the applicable electrical installation codes, subject to verification by the regulatory authority. However, in the last decade, rope lights have become increasingly popular as seasonal decorations among consumers and do-it-yourselfers.
Because of the widespread use and installation of these products, the need to update the requirements for rope lights became apparent.
Thanks for posting this. It makes me wonder if we will see changes in other products because of who is now installing them.
Roger, Thanks for that one!. I've installed a few of these Ropelights around town here, as part of public decorative lighting displays. The ones we use run directly from the 230V mains supply and I can see how easily things could go wrong, due to incompetent installation. I'm just glad that no-one has bought out a DIY Neon lighting system.