I was trolling Ebay and came along this little trinket. It's a package of spring clips that would slide over male plug pins in order to improve the contact between the plug pins and socket contacts.
Now...how would you get these things out of the socket if they got stuck in there when you pull the cap from of the receptacle?
Judging by the photo's, wouldn't you be left with a gap between the plug and the receptacle when the plug was inserted?. I think I'd be worried about the spring clips spreading and shorting out the plug pins, more than anything.
These clips likely expect the male plug prongs to have that small hole at the ends. The clips probably have something that anchor to the prong so it doesn't come off when you pull the plug from an outlet. Also, the plastic face of the outlet probably serves to keep the clips from shorting together.
Back then, good conductive spingey material likely wasn't perfected yet for use to manufacture the contacts inside outlets.