Sorry for the late response, and for kicking an old subject back to top.
I have a pair of Danner Acadia, black. Cannot recall if they are EH rated (Electrical Hazzard).
I have a pair of Matterhorn (Cove Shoe Co.) 10 in. Deluxe leather with composite safety toe. They are EH rated, and I believe that they have a steel shank. I believe their standard Deluxe non-safety toe have the same rating.
I know that Red Wing Shoes makes a wide selection of work boots that have the EH rating.
I wear my Danners for hiking, hunting, walking, recreation.
My Matterhorns are for work, with their insulation and safety toes, though they are so comfortable, I have worn them hunting. BEST boots I have ever worn.
Though, my Danners are awesome, too.
Was disappointed with the Red Wings I had, though. Maybe didn't fit right, but, their reputation is for comfort and durability. They seemed well made, but were not as comfortable as my Matterhorns or Danners. (12+ hours in my Matterhorns, felt like soft pillows still, good support, but, after 6 hours in the Red Wings, I was ready to go home).
This is in no way knocking Red Wing Shoes' boots, just my personal experience. As I said, maybe not a correct fit, every company may size differently.