I felt this part of the forum needed some positive news. I've taken this from Finland. Let's hope this is a world-wide trend.
In the market surveillance attended to by the Safety Technology Authority (TUKES), the safety of electrical products in Finland has improved from the previous years. The manufacturers and importers now take better care of making sure that the products are in conformity with the relevant requirements. The market surveillance collaboration between the European-level authorities has also intensified in the past few years. All this has resulted in fewer dangerous electrical products on the Finnish market. In 2003, our electrical products inspectors made more than 2,700 surveillance visits to retailers, domestic manufacturers and importers. Over 700 products were suspected to be in violation with the requirements, and they were forwarded to more detailed examination and testing. Of them, nearly two thirds passed the test without problems or showed just minor faults. There are tens of thousands electrical product types on our market, so in general they fulfil the requirements very well.
The number of products with serious shortcomings was notably lower than before. There were fewer products recalled from consumers by means of newspaper ads than ever since 1994, when the products were released from the mandatory advance examination. The 2003 figure for them was 8, compared with the record-high amount of 34 in 1997.
Most safety defects were found in lighting fittings, particularly in decorative luminaires, and in cable reels and IT hardware power sources. Furthermore, the number of exploded mains-connected 230 V halogen light bulbs has increased alarmingly.
Taken from