I had a Call-out on Tuesday night that has stuck in my mind ever since.
Please let me explain my case here.
I'm on call after 5pm and I was rang by a friend of my Fianc'ee.
She said that she had a fuse that had blown and her boyfriend had tried to replace the fuse but had burn't his hand when the fuse blew again.
So I went and had a look.
I had a quick look at the switch board, old one (No labels).
I asked what could have caused this Fault, as in, what was on at the time of the fuse blowing?
I was told that the kettle was boiling and the toaster was on.
Sure I thought, simple over-current, I proceeded to to refit the porcelain fuse (with 11kV gloves on),when the whole switch-board erupted in flames and the hallway turned White-Blue.
But, to the crux of this, I noticed a piece of 1mm2 2C+E going up into the roof from behind the switchboard.
I asked the girl what that was for and her reply shocked me.
"Oh my Boyfriend put the Dishwasher, 3 power points and the outside water fountian on that wire, I thought it was legal".
After I told her that there would be absolutely no way that I would be re-connecting that circuit and that there would have to be an RCBO installed to ensure compliance, even if the circuit was re-wired.
Cut the wires at the switch-board and Man did I get told off when I got home!.
![[Linked Image]](https://www.electrical-contractor.net/ubb/biggrin.gif)