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Global Mod,
Joined: Dec 2000
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A real neat thing has happened! Looks like Joe's the Moderator, & has cleaned out the dangerous and crazy posts in the Bob Vila Bulletin Board. I think it's a good day for DIY.
Joined: Jan 2002
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Ok I will play devils advocate here. I have been very clear on my thoughts about diy's. Not all, just the ones who make it painfully clear they are in over their heads. There are people who do not have a problem with diy's and as such are willing to help. Which brings me to my question. If Joe deletes a post that may appear to be a foolish or dangerous question, does this create a more dangerous situation in that the person gets no advice directing them to a safe solution? (Ie call a pro, or try this it will work better) Also while I can certainly do without general insults and obvious attemps at disruption I have a SERIOUS problem with censorship. I am somewhat squirmish about one person deciding what they may feel is unneccesary or might be offensive to people. I mean this not as a slam towards Joe it is just my opinon.
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Believe me, I was careful when I deleted a post or thread, and it was for a good reason. I am slowly going to transform that board into something we can all be proud of, you can be sure of that! When I found a message that was over four years old that had only one reply, and it asked about the position of the U ground what do you think I did? If you have visited that location recently, you will see a little less traffic, but a lot of information some of which we can use as well. Please, don't be afraid to continue to add messages there. If you have suggestions or any problems please let me know. PS: What should I do with this one? http://www.bobvila.com/ultimate/Forum7/HTML/000345.html [This message has been edited by Joe Tedesco (edited 09-07-2002).]
Joe Tedesco, NEC Consultant
Joined: Aug 2001
Posts: 466 Likes: 1
Joe, I think those replies are appropriate and warn of the dangers involved. Maybe you would like to take on another board. www.handymanwire.com. Go to ask the experts and then the electrical board. Sorry I don't know how to add a link. This guy Denis, quotes Code that doesn't apply, or tells people that aren't qualified how to do service changes. If called on an answer he will edit your post to make you look like the idiot. So much for quality help. One of his recent posts "This is what UF and NM cable is insulated with .THHN -THWN...but not intended for conduit install.No cable is...no solid is" due to the stresses involved. Huh?, no solid in conduit? OK where do you use solid?Whenever I install conduit it's with consideration to avoid this stress. [This message has been edited by Jim M (edited 09-07-2002).]
Joined: Apr 2002
Posts: 914
Jim, I just looked at Handymanwire.com and have to agree with you, it's worse than Bob V's site. In one post a guy recomends using a 50 amp breaker for a 3600watt/240v range. I don't think Joe has enough time to moderate every board and I really don't know what the solution is.
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[This message has been edited by Joe Tedesco (edited 09-10-2002).]
Joe Tedesco, NEC Consultant
Joined: Aug 2001
Posts: 7,520
Tough call sometimes, Joe, and I don't envy your position trying to decide what stays and what goes.
On the quoted thread, I don't see anything which would encourage someone to get in over his head. On the contrary, if just one person sees that old thread, realizes that he is in the same position, and gets expert help before he fries himself or burns his house down, then it's served a useful purpose in remaining.
I'm still firmly of the opinion that when it comes to giving DIY advice there is no set rule and we just have to assess each case on its own merits.
[This message has been edited by pauluk (edited 09-07-2002).]
Joined: May 2001
Posts: 552
All of the diy boards seem to have problems.On the TV station DIY,they were showing how to install an undercounter flourescent fixture:cut the plug off of the end of the cord and fish it down the wallinto a countertop receptacle and tie it in ; Can you believe they televised it???The instructions are also on their website;diynet.com
Joined: Oct 2000
Posts: 5,393
so many DIYer's, so little time eh?
seems like a 'wag the dog' scenario.....
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Joe — Re: b-v.com/..forum7/000345.html
"Holy chit!" Indeed. [The original poster received good advice by a guy signed electricmanscott.]
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