Yes, there's a lot that I like about France, but their wiring often leaves something to be desired! The cavalier attitude some of them have to home wiring is quite amazing, especially considering that there's 380 volts floating around!
I'd be interested to know if you have any joy with the IEE or Legrand, if you have the time to come back and post a message.
By the way, if you are changing your usage of power (e.g. installing or removing electric heating or something similar) it would probably be a good idea to review your tariff with EDF (I'm assuming you are with EDF and not one of the small independents).
As you're probably aware, EDF has a bewildering range of different tariff structures with a standing charge that varies with the max. power rating of your service, along with complex variable rates such as "Option Tempo."
If you haven't seen it already, the Electricite de France website is at: Bon chance!
[This message has been edited by pauluk (edited 08-02-2002).]