This building is apparently much different then the one Reno was in.
Here is a better look at the size.
The building is a big empty box about 200' wide, 500' long and 50' clear height inside.
Above 15' there is very little electrical, below 15' it is packed with electrical panels, computer input panels, fire control piping, and strangely enough heptane and propane dispensers.
Here are a set of propane and heptane dispensers. These are located in quite few places to provide a source of fuel.
Almost one half of the building has a moving ceiling about 100' x 150' that can be positioned anywhere between 10' and 50' above the floor.
As you can imagine the facility has many large water storage tanks (also a large pond) and diesel pumps to supply fire fighting water.
There are 3 separate water systems, one to supply the sprinklers under test, one to supply normal building sprinklers and one that is the 'oh no' things are out of control deluge system.
Here is a shot of a remote controlled water cannon, there are many of these and they can be run from many different locations from behind the safety of glass.
It may not look large in the photo but that pipe feeding it is 6" or 8" in diameter. The building column is about 24" across.
I have really want to run the water canon and see what damage it can do.
[This message has been edited by iwire (edited 07-02-2005).]