For the last few months I have been searching for an older style cable ripper. They used to be used by a number of the residential guys about 20 years ago. I even bought one about 4 years ago in a local supply house. (Someone decided they needed it more thn I did) I can't even locate a picture of one so I'll try and describe it.
Here goes: it was about 4'' long and offset, each end had 2 triangular razor blades on opposite sides the sides were curved so that the blade would not stick out passed the edges. I think one end would do 14-2 and 12-2. The other would do 3 wire on one side and 10-2 on the other. To use it all you had to do was lay the wire in it put your thumb over it and run it down the wire. I always thought it was a real time saver
If anyone happens to know the manufacturers name, a source to buy them and email me I would really appreciate it.
Or... Does any one even have one they could take a picture of and email it?
Yo Wiz, GEEEEEEEZ things like this make me feel OLD!!!! Quit that!
Ideal made them, never bought one, they used to actually put them in boxes of Romex. I've got one somewhere in my shop, I will try to locate it and take a pic for you this weekend if someone doesn't beat me to it.
I swear I thought I saw one at Homey de-pot, try there, but watch your toolbox if the thread on this forum was correct
Thanks George! Free with a box of romex? Is that like the free pair of linemans at the bottom of a 5 gallon bucket of yellow 77? I heard of this guy telling the new apprentices that and he would watch them almost dive in the bucket searching for them. Tried the home centers and all of the out of the way hardware stores when I explain it people look at me like I've had my head in a ditch with a gallon of PVC glue all day. I knew some one would know what I was talking about. George, a teacher once told me always consider old about 10 years older than yourself, that way it never catches you. Thanks again wirewiz
Check with Gardner-Bender it is their "curved cable ripper" catalog number CRC-100. It looks like the posted picture except it is an "L" shape instead of a "T".