I was called to a house in town here a few months back, to check out some problems that a homeowner had in the house that she and her husband had recently purchased.
One of the problems that had caused the call was, the range-hood had fallen off the wall and shattered the ceramic-top stove.
Closer inspection found that the range was nailed to the wall into timber so thin, you wouldn't even make a picture frame out of it.
But, anyhow, she told me that the rangehood would only work when the stove was turned off, this sounded strange!.
I then turned off the Main switch and took what was left of the rangehood off the wall.
Feeding it, was the thinnest piece of 2-core wire I've ever seen and further inspection found that it was fed from the Stove switch (a 32A circuit).
While I was running a proper circuit back to the switchboard, I noticed this in the roof space:
There's 230V on them red wires.
Then she showed me the Bathroom, the guy that owned the house before-hand, had installed his own heated towel rail, it was rough, as you can see:
But then I turned around, there was anther one behind me, it was slightly worse, it was fed from a light switch, literally!:
Down to this, using white phone wire!:
I'm glad it's all fixed up now, they had young kids too!.
Apparently the previous owner thought himself a bit of a Jack of All Trades.
The visit from the Inspector may have woke him up. GRRR!
{Note to Scott/Bill, feel free to abridge/edit this post if necessary, for loading speed, etc}
![[Linked Image]](https://www.electrical-contractor.net/ubb/wink.gif)
{Especially the pictures!!, how did that happen?}
[This message has been edited by Trumpy (edited 09-18-2004).]