I am a Master Electrician that has moved into engineering as an electrical designer. I am currently involved with an overhead to underground conversion project for our local utility. During the course of my work, I have to visit each location, look at the service, the panel board, etc, and document everything for the construction package. I have really run into some things that make you cringe. Here are a few.
This is an apartment building. The disconnect is 600 amp and fused to the max. The apartments have small children playing outside. The disconnect door does not have any interlocking capabilities on it, and the bottom is gone. What if a small child ran his arm into this or pulled the door open?
The following two are an old electrical room used for storage............
notice in the second picture the wire wired to the disconnect handle.......
Here is a beauty. The tenant built a room inside a room and left approximately two feet of clearance. The panel is in the back. I had to get on my knees and crawl under the water pipe riser.
Here is some do it yourself wiring in the back of a jewelry store.