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#112880 10/22/01 07:30 AM
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[Linked Image]
This was left like this by the previous owners of a Foreclosure. The wires are the remnants of a BasementApartment that was once in there. Yes, they were still connected to breakers and in the on position when I was there. There are also a number of other questionable 'remnants' around the house that require investigation.

Ever see stuff like this?


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#112881 10/22/01 08:50 AM
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In a word?


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#112882 04/18/03 07:22 PM
Joined: Jul 2002
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That panel's a mess!.
Just a question, what does that box under the panel contain? [Linked Image]
(Sorry,just looking back over some old topics!)

#112883 04/18/03 07:46 PM
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That's a Time Clock.


#112884 04/18/03 08:10 PM
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#112885 04/18/03 11:22 PM
Joined: Aug 2002
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Looks like I guess someone was a little miffed at the bank that forclosed on them...

Hey....there's no clamp onthat bundle of grey wires going into the left side of the breaker box!

#112886 04/19/03 12:23 AM
Joined: Jun 2001
Posts: 642
Looks like the HUD house i am remodeling. Former owner must have been a dumpster diver. Every wire a kludge screwup. many mismatched and spliced any way it could be. House started off with alumium knob and tube. Told the owner to kiss lath and plaster walls and cielings good bye. Found switches, boxes and outlets inside the walls and covered over, 12 total so far and have yet to get to the second floor.
Am suprised this house did not burn- did fin several partally melted wires and all single pole breakers were 30 Amp.
This is a money loser I am stuck with.

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#112887 04/19/03 12:44 AM
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If I remember correctly, this house had a "Finished Basement" that would not pass muster when the house was sold, so everything was ripped out. But, the cut cables were left connected to breakers. Maybe they were turned off at one time, but they were on when I saw them.


#112888 04/19/03 10:32 PM
Joined: Feb 2003
Posts: 69
Sounds like a foreclousre I worked on before.
The guy took the toilets, sinks, rock from the fire palce and the panel, left the incoming wire sticking through the wall. He did pull the wires from the breakers and not cut them out, so I was able to install new panel. The day I bid the job, checked incoming power and had none. The day I went to do the job, Power was on!!!! The owner wanted the power turned on monday, and the poco thought they would do a faver and turn on friday. I called the POCO for a disconnect, sent the guy that supervised the mowers, happened to be his weekend to be on call. He pulled the meter, and looked strange when I told him that was not going to work. The service had a CT meter and he had never seen one.

"Yes I am a Pirate, 200 years to late" Jimmy Buffett
#112889 04/20/03 12:15 PM
Joined: Oct 2002
Posts: 47
Why does every crappy old electrical install i see manage to use an intermatic timer somehow?

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