1) This was scary. These quad lugs were in an old FPE panel (with GE breakers!). 1-250 MCM (panel feeder), 1-1/0 (tap for 125 amp main breaker panel), and 2-3/0 (taps to 2 air compressors) are in each of them. There's less than 1/4" between these lugs. There was a piece of cardboard in front of them to keep the deadfront from hitting them. (the brackets for the deadfront were gone, as they must have gotten in the way of this "lug job"). The whole mess was fed with 300amps of 120/208V ,3Ø.
2) Although it's still no raving beauty, it's sure much safer. 1-250 MCM in each lug to feed the panel. Each of the compressors got its own new feeder from an 800 amp distribution section. The loads from the main breaker subpanel were transferred to this one, and the subpanel was removed (the deadfront brackets were pirated for this panel). What a difference a day makes.
- Scott (Electure)