I've been an electrician for about 16 years here in Wausau Wisconsin. The other night I was filling up my spare van with gas when I looked down and noticed this open hole in the canopy column with wires visible. After testing them with a " Volt Pen " and finding them hot decided to look in the hole for a seal-off. I found no seal-off, no ground wire, the conduit appears to be cut off and not reamed, etc... To make things better yet (not that it matters anyway but) after more investigation I found out that those wire are connected to the canopy lights at 277 volts. This station is not even 2 years old.
Craig C.
[This message has been edited by Webmaster (edited 09-06-2001).]
I know there are lots of violations in this installation, but is a seal-off really required in this conduit? It is more than 18" away from the dispenser and if the conduit comes out of the ground and terminates above 18" without any type of fitting, is the seal required? I know that pits below Class 1 Div 2 areas are Class 1 Div 1, but where there is no pit, is the underground area itself classified? If so why? Don(resqcapt19)